Opportune Therapy

You’ve had it so easy for the last few years.  You’ve never had to explain every thought process that comes into your head because everyone already knows what you mean. There are no assumptions, only statements of fact.

They’ve seen you in your highs and your lows, they’ve seen you crash and burn and rise from those ashes. They’ve seen you make mistake after mistake and come pick you up from the rubble that ensued. Now you’re a little further away. You’ve lost your comfort cell, you’ve garnered distance and had to face problems different time zones away. Somehow you forgot and decided to trust everyone with everything that came your way. Somehow in the midst of all that, you got hurt. Badly. It stung but again you managed to make it through. Again you decided to let go and let things be. Again. Again. Again.

They say that after years of practice, you can achieve perfection. You continue to believe this. You continue to hanker after the balance, after those rosy glasses you long since buried under all the history. You continue. You linger.

Then there come those magical days, when you can forget about the bad days and just be. Everything suddenly makes sense, things just fall into place. The sky seems brighter, the laughter seems louder, the smiles seem more genuine. You can’t even imagine why you thought those gray clouds couldn’t disappear. You feel like you are dancing on air.

You have never liked jigsaw puzzles, yet now you can understand why there are those who while away hours watching every single piece fall in place. Why you even bothered confining yourself to all those reflective surfaces surprises you now. You etch it onto wood. You scrawl it on your pages.

Therapy rears its head in the most unlikely ways and at the most opportune moments.


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